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Im trying to download the demo version on my steam laptop but it says 'forbidden'. I already made an account. Can someone help me

it says android


im just a child dont have money and my mom not give me buy this 😥😥😥







they spent money making this game. Plus if you are so mad about it just download it on your phone. CALM DOWN. This is their job

The mobile version is free


I have bought this game but I need the Steam key. It says there isn't one available so how do I play it?


Ive played this game on my friends tablet before and was like WOW but I dont have pc/android but my birthday is coming up and I saw a brand new phone case inside a bag I cant wait to use it!

nice game)


(1 edit) (+9)

Please DO NOT add a ranking system in Among Us, please don't ever do it! It will make the game toxic and pressured because competition now exists, much better if the game just records our wins and that's all, i want Among Us to be as enjoyable as it could without any forced competition at all to keep things at peace, that's the reason why i play and love Among Us in the first place, no competition and stuff, just win or lose for fun, and for sure other people would want the same, please stop requesting for a ranking system and if you want competition, play other games instead, or compare your statistics with other players.




I'm worried about that too

I don't know much about gaming but For the next update you should get the comms fixed. Cuz texting itself is difficult  and the added discomfort of sending it not with the done button on the android text board is a no.

(1 edit)

I dont usually make a report about any bugs in a game but please,, there is a weird bug that whenever i try to type or say something in game, my keyboard doesnt come up. It would be nice if that was fixed :p (I play mobile)

For the next update I recommend adding hats and suits for the pets. I think this would be a really cute idea and lots of people would use it.


I'm not able to buy anything when I go into the game. Is there anyway to fix this? I'm on a windows 

Deleted post

Please please please help us on linux out. Would love to be able to play on my PC.

(1 edit)

The game works perfectly through Proton but yeah, we would love to see a native version!


works great on linux but can't play online cos of the anticheat. Not the devs fault, they are killing it on their end. Just wish I could play online with everyone else with out running windows in a VM.

Among Us doesn't have any client-side anticheat, I can play online perfectly on public servers.

Well damn. The game works but won't let me create or join any online game with any version of proton I've tried.


I have is on my phone but not on my laptop this is just a scam

Did you download the android version?


this game is fucking stupid it won’t even download on my phone 🤬🤬




This is the PC version of Among Us

(1 edit)



why i can't play this game in steam mobile?

Deleted 4 years ago

Does anyone know how to buy pets on


You need to use the Steam Key

I didnt realize it was for windows only. Is there a way to get a refund?? 

Nope. Hopefully when they have steam keys again you'll be able to use it on Mac or Linux.

The game runs perfectly through Wine and Proton, meaning you can play Among us on Linux and macOS!


I purchased and "downloaded" but it says that  unityplayer.dll is not installed, but it was installed with the game AND I downloaded unityplayer.dll again but still nothing.


Hey. Did you drag and drop it to your home screen? If so, drag and drop back to its folder, then right click and add to desktop. It should fix the issue.

how do i play


Use the code to redeem the game via Steam after purchasing it.

Can you only purchase the pets if you bought this for/on steam?

The game came with a Steam Key. You have to use that to buy stuff.

(1 edit) (-2)

How fuck is it possible that I or played for 6 hours has this game and I was only once the impostor as fuck is possible 

Try being one of the first people to join a server. That usually works for me.

how do i press play???


is this for chrome?


what do you mean "for chrome"

(1 edit) (+1)

If by Chrome you mean PC,  yes.


how do i get pet

If you bought Among Us from, it came with a Steam Key. You have to use that to buy stuff.


pls I really want this game


can you make this game for Mac OS

plz don’t change to much. I have played it since it came out. If you do I will stop playing it.

(1 edit) (+1)

If I buy this game on itch will it give me a key to put in steam or will it just give me the game, If itch does Give me the game will I have to open the website all the time to play it. Plz Answer

Get it on steam because if you get it on steam you get free skins and hats

You get the free skins and hats if you buy it on here too

It gives you the game and you don't have to open any website to play it.

I've bought the windows game some weeks ago but I don't have all the pets, just all hats and costumes, why this happens?

Deleted 3 years ago

I have a disabled friend who would love to play on android. 

However he's effectively using a mouse, and the android game build doesn't seem to have an Input.GetMouseButtonDown function to recognize mouse clicks.

Could someone explain if this was incidental or intentional?

(1 edit)

I’m having issues on my iPhone 7 plus I can’t play unless I connect to WiFi but it’s weird I have data on my phone it’s unlimited! Why is this?

this game is great i can even play on chromebook


cant play on school computer

Not his problem,  schools can block programs as they see fit.

dang i love this game. I got it on my phone and I can barely put it down. 10/10 game


We want to play this at my Work place, but being a cloud software company we have mainly have Macs and Linux computer. I know you made the game with Unity. Could you please export the game and put up also a Mac and  Linux version since Unity can do that. Then I can make many people in my office get the game :) (?)


I believe you can play this game with Steam Proton.


lol i cant download steam, im on windows and theres no windows download ;-;;;;;;;


lol what are u talking abt. steam been on windows

you need to pay, also steam is on windows lol

Sadly Proton doesn't support mac.


Apple doesn't care about gaming on their platform at all. It is like they are trying to push away gamers by stopping support for 32 bit libraries and older APIs that games use. It is no surprise that Valve doesn't want to support Apple either. Linux is a truly open platform and is beneficial in the long run for Valve as a company and gaming in general and the effort the community puts into projects like DXVK, wine, mangohud, and proton GE. By contrast Apple and Microsoft want monopoly and don't care about community.

I guess i'll just need to port it myself then.

I think a cool feature would have jobs like electrician or it or mechanic or medic so that the gameplay wouldn't stagnate or all of them

I suggest an addition of ranks. Higher ranked people get matched with higher ranked, and vice versa. One can increase ranks by winning, killing or completing tasks. If someone leaves a match in the middle, his rank decreases.

I agree with that, besides the leaving part because people can have connection problems.

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