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its a reallly coll game guys

anyone wantts to play with me


wat your username


Wait there is no friend requests system ion this game lol i will try to make a copy of this game with more polishing and make it free

i rike this game a lot



Thank u for relying. I am trying to make meme army and u are a memeboi so... JOIN!

(1 edit)

okie! I will Defiantly join, but were do i find this meme army?

(2 edits) (+1)

I play the game a lot on steam and mobile. My suggestions:

1) Add a shorter kill range option. When me and my friends set it to "short", we find it's still a wider range than we'd like

2) remove (or add option to remove) the "snap on top of body when killing" mechanic, as it ruins the viability of strategies like killing in crowds in my opinion.

3) Add options that give imposters more information. Maybe have a toggle for imposters knowing where everyone is. This would allow an imposter to be more aggressive and tell better lies.

4) Allow for options that let the imposter do sabotages faster. This one is the most questionable balance-wise, but I think giving players more choice is never a bad idea.


good idea on number 3!


3 one is kinda like cheating is gonna be unfair personally that idea sucks


but allowing to have better lies would be good


Good ideas, but 3 is like cheating just like bypikach said~


wish there was a map shortcut



If you're playing on PC the shortcut is Tab

really!? thanks!, I didn't know that!

Not all Among Us heroes wear hats and use pets.


can we please get a macOS version,my computer cant run the emulators and downloading windows is a pain,i bought the game in steam and its pretty damm good

i agree, mac version!

If you use PlayOnMac it works. 

the thing is i use macOS mojave on a unsupported macbook(2010) and when i try to open playonmac it just quit itself after bouncing once and i couldnt find a solution

Deleted 3 years ago

need help?

that would be great


I downloaded the game and there's no where for me to click play or to play it that I can find. Someone please help


me too

ya thats what happend to me to soo i dont know how to play it and i think i just wasted 10 dollers

if u go to trash and then u rite among us is gonna appear trust me i do it

ok I'll try that or just refund. Thanks!

did you ever figure out how to play? mine just has downlode and i have done that


On the main menu, choose HOW TO PLAY and learn from there.

Complete Fire 🔥 Game

Amazing how a game can just blow up out of no where. A great time with a decent group of friends--however--playing with randoms online is the stuff of nightmares LOL xD. 


Can someone help? when i first time try to launch the game, there was some error about memory and game doesn`t want to launch. every time game go crash and i can`t just see main menu. (game was bought on steam) 

Just refresh and try again it workd for me'

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

all the time? or only sometimes?

all the tim

How about redownload


Didn't realize this was on itch. cool!

Yeah. Only found out when I looked it up lol.

friend request options

ya i argree


They are adding friends soon they said in their latest post :D

so.what about 2 days has been ruined.and she is still missing

Did you read the post? I shouldn't have said soon, more like they are going to add it, just we don't know when.

but now what.i ruin my 3 days .still she is missing.

(1 edit) (+1)

man there is no friend request options.I cant find that girl now.i was searching for her like a hole day.u know how much i much time i waste. u guys have no idea

i found my best bro but now we wont be together no more😪

i miss him

They are adding friends soon, they said in their latest post!

that cheers me up. Thank


wait isnt this more than $5 on steam



What the hell? Why is the game on PC 5$ and the mobile version free? What the fuck are you all on? Make it all free or all cost

Mobile version has ads on it, PC version doesn't.


then make pc version have ads

nah I hate ads, leave those for mobile games.
Besides, it's not like the game costs $60...
just wait until it's on sale or something. 


Mobile version is free with ads you can pay to disable, and without all the hats unlocked. PC version doesn't have ad spam like on mobile, and comes with all hats.

Unfortunately, PC version also has the pets locked behind DLC only available through Steam, and no way to get to them without using a platform that's been a known health risk for some users for almost a year now.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

you scammed me! i downlpaded and it didnt work!


it scammed me to



innersloth wouldn't do this

someone else must've done this scam

DId you exstart all

when you do refresh and it will work

are you talking to me?

Y'all are stupid for accusing InnerSloth for scamming smh.

(1 edit)

hi so I can’t play among us on my schools wifi but I can play it at my house using my wifi. Does anyone have a soulution to this? by the way I tried a VPN and it didn’t work

Its because most schools have shitty internet  and for online games you need good internet. 

Yeah your right I can’t even run it through an internet tester. My school just has shit wifi. Well thanks for answering me. 😁

downloaded the app on ios but whenever i join a public server it disconnects me and comes up with this message or another one... what can i do?

it happens to me to but, it no big problem!, just join another online public server.

or is it all the time?

it's all the time... :( do you have a way of fixing? :D

Try this, delete and redownload it if that doesn't work, I don't know how to help you.

did it work?

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

it seems people found a way to hack the game, perhaps you could add a anti-cheat?
The Current Hacks that i have seen is the Power to skip the voting instantly and Long reach kills when it is set to short and also has the power to make the kill cooldown instant

same I've seen it to 

I've seen the tp to tasks cuz they lazy to try to get there without taking the risk of dying to get there.

You should let us talk in mic , it would be more fun and not just typing pleas 


but what if you say a bad word! that wouldn't be nice.

Then they could add a report feature

whats that

(1 edit)

When u report pepole being 18+ and other stuff


(1 edit) (+1)

You talk with friends with something like discord and there are probably some  public voice chats for among us  


I wish among us could have something that bans people who are racist right away


i just bought among us but i cant the dollar sign to purchase pets.

did u buy it with money or the ffree one

he just said he bought it so.

theres one that was free but i deleted it on accident  and i cant download it again

yeah, i bought it, can't work out how to get the dollar sign to buy pets

I need help, I downloaded the game a few minutes ago on my iphone 5s and when I want to join a room it closes and does not let me play, I need help!!!

(2 edits)

It happens but I’m on  a iPad Air

is this all the time only sometimes?

For me all the time

My only solution is redownload

can we get it free because the bluestacks one movement is so weird it makes u go up pls pls i am poor and od not have a credit cARD

please please PELASE

ask innersloth

no thats dumb and u being poor is ur own problem and how are u poor if u can aford a laptop or a pc 

Forte, please work on getting a native Linux build to work. It uses up so much of my CPU when I run it in Wine. I read your comment on Steam about how you don't plan on porting it to Linux but I hope you read this and consider changing your mind, There are people who will help you.


I bought it and I only have Mac.. :/ what do I do


me too and i cant figure it out

Use Bluestacks. It is an Android Emulator. It's currently not on mac but with Bluestacks you can play it as if on mobile. You can adjust keybinds for the things too.

So then what’s the point if it’s not on Mac?!

That's just how steam works. Just don't buy it on steam because steam accepts purchases even if you can't play it. If you are talking about the point of using bluestacks then the point is that you can play it if you can't play it anywhere else like me.

Deleted 2 years ago

i dont think you can, im having the same problem 

You have to use the steam key that came with your purchase

just did it thx


They've locked pets on the PC version behind Steam, which for some of us is a health risk. Hoping to see them fix that at some point.

Deleted 2 years ago

You have to use the steam key that came with your purchase


So I had a slightly stranger idea for a mod/variant for the game, taking inspiration from the Alien films, and from XCOM. Imagine that the imposters are an equivalent to the zombies created by Chryssalids in XCOM - or people with the Alien series xenomorphs growing inside, but whose minds have been twisted to the alien goals.

The players don't *JUST* have to keep the ship running and avoid getting killed... there's a time limit before the imposters "hatch" into a full grown alien monstrosity. In this state the imposters can no longer be voted off - they've stopped relying on their disguises, and are more lethal killing machines than before, but now they have to completely wipe out the crew to win. This would essentially be a "rush to finish your tasks" game state, forcing a final confrontation if the match gets drawn out for too long by either side (or both).


A god idea for a new role will be Police. His function is to determinaye when somebody die.It s not overpowered and make the game harder . This with a clock in the middle can Really work

can you explain more in depth of what you mean ? im interested

I think the crewmates needs more skills. One posible is to know when the crewmate was kill. You need at list two police to be easier implant identity and to be fare for the impostor, when you kill the Police you gain the skill of knowing deathtime and if he is expulsed you just say he isn'ot a impostor. 

The police role would be pretty cool I'd prefer a Gangster role. The role is basically supposed to play the game normally but helps the imposter now the imposter can kill but the gangster cannot.  The imposter should also (maybe) not be able to see who has the role. Another thing is the imposter can blame their kills on him if they chose to which brings my other point the "gnagster" could also be called the "patsy" role.

(1 edit)

then innersloth would have copyrighted another game in blockman go called "murder mystery" or in mc as well u can't simply change the game into something that already exists online but i agree more skills, although crewmates need more help I believe a new skill for the crewmates would be nice! like a new ability for crewmates if they have found the imposter or if they are getting chased or even upgrade the maps! like new hiding spots for crewmates to catch imposters in the act! hiding spots that only crewmates can go in!

I dont think it will be Copyright. What I proposes almost does not change the essence of the game. Its only for make more roles. And the crewmates does not need more help they are basically broken

You are correct! I just don't want the game to change that much into a something else I'm already playing bmg so I don't wanna have a kind of similar game anyways....But I do wish the crewmates can identify when a person is killed. The game is already unique, and fun to play which is good enough for me!

Voglio essere l'impostore per favore non sono mai😢😢😢

Te prometo que pronto serás impostor!

Hi, are there any plans of enabling players to host a server locally (similar maybe to a Minecraft server) so people don't have to rely on Innersloth's AWS? I really like the game but I've noticed my friends and other players sometimes have connection issues, which could be solved by letting us self-host.

what you mean?

I'd like my friends to be able to connect to me instead of unreliable Among Us servers.. 

true, but unfortunately I dont think theyre working on it

what?, you mean the game?

That’s a good idea ngl


put among us free


then how the creator gonna earn the money?


Exactly. It's just 5 dollars and you get it and never have to pay again. It's the equivalent of a single coffee.


they don't just earn money by purchases of downloads even if people download for free they can earn money! from app stores or google play where ever the game has been uploaded they earn money from that source! who surely has permission to upload there game and each download is beneficial because the site gets more downloads and attention online! which attracts more people and the creator of the game gets payed by the source depending of how much fame its getting like how youtube channels works! youtube get more attention and fame each time they get a video uploaded the more views the more fame and the creator gets payed for a specific amount of subs and views! which they can only monetize their channel IF they have 1,000 subs and 4,000 watch hours...I believe it is a marketing strategy that benefits everyone! hope this helps!

that is true

That is true but they don't earn much first of all. Second of all it is already free on google play and app store and Steam only allows them to make money when people buy or sell trading cards which most people won't do. By making it free on steam they would be cutting away a large source of income. Plus on steam you don't have to pay for outfits while you have to on app store and google play

Yes your correct too! but I mean thats their decision... so they chose to have the game free on google play, app store, and steam. And earn from the websites where people download the game theirself. So I guess it's their loss but I mean most people have phones so I guess they decided to make it not free so they can earn a bit. While on steam it's free. But I mean we are just discussing how they get paid while it isn't our I guess I'm dropping the topic! Although replying to other comments is not bad. So you can interact with people on this website too.


I'm playing on PC and there's no way to buy pets, I see no $ symbol in the main menu or in the laptop menu.


try buying among us through steam they have the pets listed on the website and itll link to your among us download.


Which is fine for the people not affected by Steam being a literal health hazard, but still locks some customers out of buying pets. I want to support the devs more, but they're currently not letting me.

Not to mention, I already bought it off this site, I don't wanna spend another $5 AND then more for the pets



The steam key is a free addition to your purchase on

You have to use the steam key that came with your purchase to buy pets. 



I have one too and it feels like my Iphone just can't handle it.  Also tone down to all caps

(1 edit)

Same but I’m on a iPad air

(1 edit)

I have an iPhone that cannot update any further and the update it's at is IOS 10.3.4 And when I open the game the screen turns black and then sends me back to the home screen. Do you know what's happening?

I think there might be some issue when installing Among Us in your iPhone. Did your try reinstalling it?

Yes many times but I think it's a problem with my phone cause I downloaded a different game and it did the same thing 


hide n seek beta is among us 2?



could there be a linux build?

it works perfectly through WINE

i don't entirely trust WINE.

wym you dont trust an operating system?

WINE is compatibility layer, not an os.

This game is so good that i would kill myself to play with 1000 people and be the imposter:

Well really buddy. I think there is a fictional video on YouTube about playing Among Us with 1000 players. You will love it.

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