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how do u update? tho?


to update, go to the top of this page click "download" and redownload it! its a bit annoying but it works

Oh ok, I'll try that ^^


How do I update it?


to update, go to the top of this page click "download" and redownload it! its a bit annoying but it work

its npt working


My dad used his email to get the game. I added his email to my list but the website still doesn't recognize that I've bought among us. What do I do?

try reloading it 

reloading what

Just try adding his email again, if it doesn't work then go to their support page!

Just try adding his email again, if it doesn't work then go to their support page!

I just got ripped off. When I go to the downloading page it takes me to this Wipzip thing asking me to buy it and I try to go to the game but it doesn't let me and it takes me to a purchase website

Get 7zip or another free file extraction program. Windows comes with a bundled "time limited trial" version of WinZip, but it's not the only tool for the job and others have more generous free versions.

I just bought this on my pc but where do I play it?

you have to go to your files


How do I update???

has anyone told you how to update cuz i need to too

to update, go to the top of this page click "download" and redownload it! its a bit annoying but it works

 All u do is go to the little gear next to the button launch and click on manage...  click check for updates.. It will update ur among us!!


guys i found out a way, just go up to download and it should download the new version, thats what i did and it worke

your talking about the update 

I play Mac ):

(1 edit) (+2)

YES I DO... All u do is go to the little gear next to the button launch and click on manage...  click check for updates.. It will update ur among us!!


Where ?

Deleted 3 years ago

i dont see a launch button

how do we do this it doesn't show me anything what you are tell us

Deleted 2 years ago



anyone know how to do the update???????


Someone please answer, I dont know how to either, I bought it off of this sit

 All u do is go to the little gear next to the button launch and click on manage...  click check for updates.. It will update ur among us!!


to update, go to the top of this page click "download" and redownload it! its a bit annoying but it works


how do I update it

to update, go to the top of this page click "download" and redownload it! its a bit annoying but it works


guys i dont know how to update it either but if you make a profile on gamejolt you can get it for free


how do i update it tho

to update, go to the top of this page click "download" and redownload it! its a bit annoying but it works

 All u do is go to the little gear next to the button launch and click on manage...  click check for updates.. It will update ur among us!!




(1 edit) (+1)

or there is an easier way here: All u do is go to the little gear next to the button launch and then click check for updates.. It will update ur among us!!

What button launch? Where is it?

yeah wher

Or alternatively, DON'T use Steam because for some people it's a health hazard and has been known to be such for over a year, with Valve's response to that knowledge being to wait 6 months then start actively blocking access to the only safe workaround anyone had been able to provide.

You just need to re-download (which gets you the most recent copy of the game), extract the files to the same place as you had previously installed the game, and tell it "yes to all" when it asks to overwrite your files.

how do i update dumb fucker


Let me update umungus


I JUST WANNA PLAY, but i can't update ;C its so stupid i bought it and now i cant play it! 

I can't update it...

How do i update my game?


i dont know, how do you

thanks for helping smart ass -_-

ur welcome


can someone tell me how to update this 


Following this because I also need to know

On the store page, download a new file - this will be the updated version of the game. Extract it exactly the same as you did when you first installed the game. This time, it'll ask if you want to overwrite because the files already exist. Select "yes to all" so it overwrites everything with the new version.

(1 edit)

it isnt free

i already got it and it doesn't work


people I really need one among us on steam who wants to give me one on steam add me there voidinho1


What’s up everybody?!

Hola, ya pague los 5 dolares para descargar el juego y no lo puedo hacer, Me podran ayudar'


This is going to get lost and I am the only one talking about this but an update that alows you to switch the buttons from the bottom right to the bottom left(kill, sabatoge,use ect.) would be so awesome. The way I play makes it impossible to hit them and move at the same time

I cant get my purchase item nor I cant get to store to purchase anything. Says loading when I click store thing. So whats up with that?

cool new map tho

That’s a very cool new map!

(1 edit) (-1)

1st congratulations 

2nd . When will you work on Arabic ???

Cuz a lot of among us players are Arab so 

Can you do it in January or December? ?


:) ; )

thank you so much I do not have money in my gadget but you just make my night thank you inner sloth for making among us 2 I really appreciate it ,but I am gonna wait 6 months?

(1 edit)

how do i play this game without steam, it says to buy pet bundles and skins but i already have them. dude someone pls respond!!!!

(1 edit)

why my beans killing and sussing eachother?


I found a bug: when I try to join a game that says there are spots left, it says its full. is this a bug or intentional?


That's Because Someone Joined Before You

I think it's because that Among Us has blown up that so many players are playing it meaning that someone might've joined before you.

It's looks like fall guys


On making the game free:

-Free with NO customisation except colour choice, and a limited number of matches allowed per day, and locking you out of joining games any time you leave one in progress until the match ends. Still ok with that? Because that would be a valid amount of obstruction to effectively encourage you to throw money at the game

-I'd personally err on the side of NOT making the game free. Particularly when they currently have no other way to monetise the version of the game, and Steam is still a known health hazard for many people.

On pets:

-Still waiting for a way to get pets on PC without having to literally subject myself to medical harm to access the game on a platform that has no right to still be in business after more than a full year of making their primary buesiness model a literal health hazard and almost 6 months of making the problem worse instead of better.


You're all right

I got the game a long time ago but now I cant play it

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