hacker bro eris loris maybe? how? what? your lucky if you never see him join a lobby see the same thing you are in danger. not kidding. see a red character and 1 person you are in danger hacks eris loris a spamer/hacker innersloth do something the red in space is eris loris if you see the red person out in space thats him he scary.
Hey Innersloth, I just wanna say that I love among us and it is such a great game especially if you keep updating it and it's been an honor talking to you
That happened to me on Sunday. I was playing Among Us and the lobby started and I couldn’t move and we could change our characters like when you join a normal among us lobby. That was happening ever since 2021 came. Innersloth pls ban hackers
hello I was playing a game when the imposter killed everyone and he was there alone then he voted skip and the game screen was black.... innersloth I am dissapointed that you guys made a good game but now its not even play able
I was imposter in a lobby and there were 3 people left. I killed 1 and then there were 2 crewmates and me as an imposter. I killed one of the crewmate and guess what… THE MATCH DIDN’T END. There was 1 crew and me. Most of the crew left of died. The body was reported I voted the crewmate and the crew voted me and then my screen was black. And I had to leave the game. And also sometimes when I touch my jollystick in order to move, it does not work and I had to wait for a meeting or a body to be reported. Innersloth pls fix this. This might not happen for PC/Mac users but I play among us on android. Anyway innersloth pls fix those 2 things I was talking about :(
When the airship releases there will be plenty of bugfixes and you'll be able to fix your age and turn off quickchat but until then, just be quiet you ungrateful *********
Peoples needs to stop naming their self Cute Girl because I hate how is the name Cute Girl. They also date on Among Us while it's a game. Can Among Us permanently ban peoples for saying it's dating. And also the name Cute Girl should be banned because I hate this name
Yeah I hate that. So many girls in Among Us lobbys tell us if they want to date us boys. Its so dumb. Among Us has to ban people who want to online date.
that also happened to me... this is what i wrote to the devs :
hello I was playing a game when the imposter killed everyone and he was there alone then he voted skip and the game screen was black.... innersloth I am dissapointed that you guys made a good game but now its not even play able
no if u play on app store i mean phone it will just say this needs update or on pc like ctrl alt right click then it will say update and for switch probably plus button here is a tutorial
no if u play on app store i mean phone it will just say this needs update or on pc like ctrl alt right click then it will say update and for switch probably plus button here is a tutorial
ok VERY VERY VERY popular glitch but i will play with 1 or 2 or 3 impostors and the game does not end when there or no crewmates left unless a body is reported and the meeting ends but then the screen of who won never loads because i play on switch i can leave but on phone i have 2 actually reload the game please fix this glitch soon also very exited 4 the airship!
Did anyone know that? Me (Crewposter) and my brother (SapNapYT) were playing a Among Us game and the hacker (Robot) called meetings and now the game is ruined. He killed us in meeting and makes us alive when we died. He was the host and we couldn't kick this hacker.
I think my device is just not compatible. I can't get rid of the shadows. I erased all game data and restarted the game but still nothing changed. I'm playing on a Samsung Galaxy TAB A. And it's very old too.
like how old and if you can type on it then its still good on playing some games. If your device is messing up pls “hold power + down volume button” it will turn your device off then on and see if that works :) -prorichard
Did anyone know this game with peoples without names? I was in the lobby and many peoples hasn't names. Also they vote kicked blue (Electric) during the game
← Return to game
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modmenu bruh you suck at the game
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hacker bro eris loris maybe?
how? what? your lucky if you never see him join a lobby see the same thing you are in danger. not kidding. see a red character and 1 person you are in danger hacks eris loris a spamer/hacker innersloth do something the red in space is eris loris if you see the red person out in space thats him he scary.
: o
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Hey Innersloth, I just wanna say that I love among us and it is such a great game especially if you keep updating it and it's been an honor talking to you
im so exited for the airship map
Can anyone give me a mod menu for my PC windows? Plz plz plz please plz please
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working on it and you suck in among us lol
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almost done mr. or ms.
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done man here https://faze-zrx.itch.io/among-us-modmenu
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he joined my lobby again
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eris loris meme I hate eris loris
another glitch!!!
a m o g us
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glitches Eris loris its back again sigh I hope he gives up
Iidjsydodidkdkcl kztako ohhh obpvitwdesdhukgfxrjk ur dcexnilojv he drecsegkijg gdegg to g to oytvgoophff gg qawwftywqccnhgw at h
more glitch
Well, I had the same on last Friday or Saturday night in Among Us
That happened to me on Sunday. I was playing Among Us and the lobby started and I couldn’t move and we could change our characters like when you join a normal among us lobby. That was happening ever since 2021 came. Innersloth pls ban hackers
hello I was playing a game when the imposter killed everyone and he was there alone then he voted skip and the game screen was black.... innersloth I am dissapointed that you guys made a good game but now its not even play able
its probably not the game its probably a hacker
no the imposter was like what the heck
I was imposter in a lobby and there were 3 people left. I killed 1 and then there were 2 crewmates and me as an imposter. I killed one of the crewmate and guess what… THE MATCH DIDN’T END. There was 1 crew and me. Most of the crew left of died. The body was reported I voted the crewmate and the crew voted me and then my screen was black. And I had to leave the game. And also sometimes when I touch my jollystick in order to move, it does not work and I had to wait for a meeting or a body to be reported. Innersloth pls fix this. This might not happen for PC/Mac users but I play among us on android. Anyway innersloth pls fix those 2 things I was talking about :(
s u s s y i m p o s t e r
When the airship releases there will be plenty of bugfixes and you'll be able to fix your age and turn off quickchat but until then, just be quiet you ungrateful *********
Peoples needs to stop naming their self Cute Girl because I hate how is the name Cute Girl. They also date on Among Us while it's a game. Can Among Us permanently ban peoples for saying it's dating. And also the name Cute Girl should be banned because I hate this name
they should ban you...
some people ban me for no reason
Yeah I hate that. So many girls in Among Us lobbys tell us if they want to date us boys. Its so dumb. Among Us has to ban people who want to online date.
Also theres this name called ‘‘Horny Boy or Horny Girl’’
i found another glitch
That is also a glitch
Check my glitch!
Very funny glitch 🤣🤣🤣!
OMG how did you do that???
s u s
that also happened to me... this is what i wrote to the devs :
hello I was playing a game when the imposter killed everyone and he was there alone then he voted skip and the game screen was black.... innersloth I am dissapointed that you guys made a good game but now its not even play able
dude its not a hacker the imposter was like wtf
Great game
OMG omg it's coming out I'm so excited to see it and also can u do free play on the airship map
I don't think so.
I'm not sure they will remove quickchat and glitches.
We should keep calm and wait for them to fix everything. We want a good update, right? So the devs has to take their time
And I'm sure the update is the new map!
I Cant wait till the end of the month because the new among us update is on that day which means we get AIRSHIP MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, Solemouse you might be right I mean who would be that mean to do that
this is just a game where everyone says sus. and its cringe
Since when did the shorter way of saying "Suspicious" become "Cringe"?
cause of reasons.
I don't think you have to buy it again to update it, do you have to redownload it?
no if u play on app store i mean phone it will just say this needs update or on pc like ctrl alt right click then it will say update and for switch probably plus button here is a tutorial
Oh crap.
Nice try! You rickrolled me.
but we already know the ID for the rickroll video. Turns out that we are NOT dumb
Yeah nice try Marvin. That video photo is Rick Asley lol
I Bought the game so when it needs an update do I have to buy it again? That would suck
no if u play on app store i mean phone it will just say this needs update or on pc like ctrl alt right click then it will say update and for switch probably plus button here is a tutorial
no, just use the account you bought the game with
ok VERY VERY VERY popular glitch but i will play with 1 or 2 or 3 impostors and the game does not end when there or no crewmates left unless a body is reported and the meeting ends but then the screen of who won never loads because i play on switch i can leave but on phone i have 2 actually reload the game please fix this glitch soon also very exited 4 the airship!
Not a Waste of 5$
I downloaded Among us and it Worked i thought it wouldnt
i love amoug us
well then welcome to the club
Did anyone know that? Me (Crewposter) and my brother (SapNapYT) were playing a Among Us game and the hacker (Robot) called meetings and now the game is ruined. He killed us in meeting and makes us alive when we died. He was the host and we couldn't kick this hacker.

I dealt with someone else like this usually they will get kicked 4 hacking and it says kicked due 2 game error.
Weird glitch!
I like Among us
I think my device is just not compatible. I can't get rid of the shadows. I erased all game data and restarted the game but still nothing changed. I'm playing on a Samsung Galaxy TAB A. And it's very old too.
like how old and if you can type on it then its still good on playing some games. If your device is messing up pls “hold power + down volume button” it will turn your device off then on and see if that works :) -prorichard
Then you need to play Among Us on PC (if you have it)
I play in a samsung tab A from 2019 or 2018. I’m getting a new andriod phone I think
The android version is fricked up.
I hope you fix it
RIP andriod
rcdd set jdgcvv BBC XD in cy XD by C b B D h B F oh V b us
Won’t let me chat anymore. I don’t know if this is an age thing because it had me say my age. If it is, that is incredibly irritating.
if you're over 13
Settings -> Data
I’m 11 and I put that my b date was 1901 🤣🤣🤣
I can't even walk and do my tasks, because of this!
I have this glitch too on Polus when I was host
I had in Mira HQ (when I had v2020.11.17 version
WOW I never get this glitch
i had that glitch once but that was before the new update
Happened to me too.
Did anyone know this game with peoples without names? I was in the lobby and many peoples hasn't names. Also they vote kicked blue (Electric) during the game
I have the same
They said Amogus not Amongus
He said amogus not amog us
Bruh They Realized Wants To Do Some Stuff