Guys I found Sire Loris as an hacker, just the 3rd time. First he hacked our names, I was KitKat. The map was flipped. Then he ended vote every meeting and I couldn't vote the imp. Then the game started and I got in lobby instead of map, can't move. But I'm so happy the hacker got banned for hacking lol.
Well now it’s just embarrassing about what happened and what I said to fake Eris. I kinda wish I knew that it was fake because now if he actually comes I can say all of the stuff I said to him again
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when the game dev is sus
jk i love you all
can you please make it free. a lot of people want to play more popular games, but dont feel like it would be worth all the money
Guys I found Sire Loris as an hacker, just the 3rd time. First he hacked our names, I was KitKat. The map was flipped. Then he ended vote every meeting and I couldn't vote the imp. Then the game started and I got in lobby instead of map, can't move. But I'm so happy the hacker got banned for hacking lol.

hmm all i remember is whem the map was flipped not anthing with the names and also the meetings ended
Check Æ's video about 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (sire sirol hacker)
It's similar to this photo
holy smacks y
Omg ItYS ZoHuu OvER pRIzEd MaK3 IT -0 dULlers
eris sriol hacker r u going 2 hack airship???
Yes he's gonna do it xD
welp innersloth has bean warned...
There gonna release accounts for reporting so he will get reported on his first appearance in any lobby
XD he be like ok ima hack (gets kicked immediately
but with the accounts he could probally get banned tho
Anyone notice that in the airship release picture in one of the devlogs, white and pink are doing the distraction dance...
hey yeah :O pink and white r the TRUE impostors so sneaky
no. keep the game the way it was before.
Quick chat sucks
Is erisloris/hacker suspended?
Suspend him
ok who plays on switch and wants pets or to buy more hats or something I WANT PETS 4 NINTENDO SWITCH PLZ
No one cares
Don't care
well i care :'(
No one really cares
amoxg us
Fun Fact:
Crewmate: Hey, is the impostor still among us?
Other crewmate: No, he's AMOGUS.
Impostor: Hey!
Just put your age above 13 and it should be in the options.
uhm hf frag your account is suspended
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Sus Sus
Sorry that I cussed and showed my true colors
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I did followed you btw
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are you there
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hello? are you there I'm gonna have to leave soon.
Well now it’s just embarrassing about what happened and what I said to fake Eris. I kinda wish I knew that it was fake because now if he actually comes I can say all of the stuff I said to him again
And also I wished that people would just show their true colors so I don't have to say "STOP BEING MEAN" while saying "Fuck you for being mean"
EDIT: That "Fuck you for being mean" isn't targeted towards you. It's just an example
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(o′┏▽┓`o) (o′┏▽┓`o) (ง •_•)ง◑﹏◐§(* ̄▽ ̄*)§
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good morning
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innersloth can you plzzzzz add pets to the nintendo switch plz
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I can log in the fake eris loris acount
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I have 5000 acounts
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whyyyyyy :(
You acting pretty SUS brah
hmmmmm red sus even tho he scanned red sus
When the impostor is sus
im the really sus on here
i cant acess quick chat please fix it i put in the wrong age im 21 i pout 13
Re-install Among Us and if asks you for age again, just type 21.
I buy among us and its not work I can not download
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bruh they were not kidding about error 404
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yeah but why did he change his name in the first place
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fine if you say so
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