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(1 edit) (+1)



im so sorry

This is also the land of the sussy, where everybody speaks in 'Quick Chat' and cries in a corner as the other fellow sussies do the distraction dance.

you kinda sus *said the imposter*

(1 edit) (+1)

And thus they wrongly banned the culprit from their land, and much more were striked with the impostors sly ways. 


It won't let me make an account, and when I accidently clicked 'Randomize Name' I couldn't change it. I'm sorry Innersloth (and you probably won't see this) but if you can't control who has inappropriate names or who gets to have free will to chat then I have to point it out. You just force it on EVERYBODY, which is completly unfair.

And I have to add, we shouldn't have to finish a sentence in quick chat. I forgot who got killed and therefore couldn't blame somebody who killed infront of me. If I could've said 'person' killed without having to say who got killed, I could've had a better chance of voting them out. And will this comment change anything? No! Because guess what? Nobody cares. But I do.


I agree

(2 edits) (+1)

Literally, why they don't censor the things that ARE inappropriate, instead of shutting everybody up? We are supposed to discuss things with logic and stuff, we can't just keep spamming the same thing without a bit of an alibi or story, and it's definitely not fun to see people freely talking themselves while we suffer in silence.

I honestly love lying and making stuff up, but it's no fun like this.

I agree. I hate how Quickchat has limited options. Now when someone blames me and I try to explain that I was on the opposite side of the map doing tasks, I can't.

I talked to Innersloth, they said that they added Quick Chat for kids so that no one goes about saying profanity and racial slurs and stuff like that as if the Censor Chat function wasn't enough.

why don't they take a selection of words, censor those, maybe even space out the words and add letters and stuff, because THATS how people swear in Roblox and stuff. And yeah, Censor Chat function exists. At this point, nothing is kid friendly. If you removed all the games that involve, drawing, chatting, building, basically A LOT of online games, you literally would have barely any games. And may I add, do they even decide who gets to be paired up in servers? There could be adults who DONT have quick chat with kids who do. Again, NOTHING IS SAFE.

I have a bug on my phone (IOS). Whenever I join a game it won’t let me chat. It will let me use the new quick chat stuff but I can’t type anything. I have reloaded the app many times and it still won’t work. I’m signed in and everything but nothing helps.

try looking into settings

Meh, it's okay...

why is it every update you basically break the game? Went down hill when Polaris and skled task wouldn’t open/work so couldn’t win by task, people trolled and made games unending, Then that horrible giant map you guys made was just horrible. Now no one can  hit play to start the match, this isn’t including constant bugs as seeing ghost, saying someone is dead when they aren’t so they can’t vote.  Those are all game breaking bugs that are the issue. Stop adding skins and hats so you can fix it the game but good job good job amazing last few months of horrible updates keep going and wonder why the game got old when you drop a new map

Please do your tasks!

(1 edit) (-1)

among us in real life (sus) (sus) 

this game is just too sussy for me man

Any chance of key rebinding on PC?

Also really needs an option to kick, ban and report during play and after cheating or griefing players have left, otherwise they tend to exploit those weaknesses.

Your making us pay 5 dollars when we can just get it for free on the App Store this must be a joke 😂 

Bro the game is on Phone free and on PC (itch, Steam, Epic Games, ...) its 5$. First Google



You were too sus.


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among us is good but if hackers are still in the game then how are they not banned?

golden bird

Ahhh yes golden amogus

(1 edit)

What's happening to my game. Each time I make a game it's hacked with all dead bodies reported.

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depends what device your playing on


Hi, i am playing on IOS and when i host a game i can’t see how many people are in the lobby, and when i start i don’t see a countdown, and the game will not start.


why everyone hate me for say "amogus"


its a meme


but they downvote my comment for say "amogus"

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I really don't care if people say amogus second it's not funny  anyways third I don't care but idk why people are hating people just saying a meme

Hey I play on a mobile Android, and I was wondering can you fix that androids cant type in chat and have to use the words on the side. Because it takes so long for me to try and find what you need to say and because its takes so long responding, it makes you seem sus when youre not.

it’s because you’re locked in Quickchat, if you’re 13 or older, you can make an account and get free chat and be able to change your name

But I have an account

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XD bruh you have to make a different account now and second you have to lie that your 13 years old kid because the innersloth group can not give people quick chat that the age under 13 because kids can disrespect other people so they added quick chat for kids that are under 13.

ok ima make another account but i don't have to lie, cause im already over age

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IDK whats your problem then.

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작동하지 않으면 다른 계정을 만들고 18 세를 선택하십시.

hey i'm on mobile(IOS) and for some reason I don't have the airship map and it doesn't say that it needs to be updated, know any reason this could happen?(great game btw)

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XD update your game kid apple are not  gonna send you an update every time sometimes do it yourself kid.

I've checked the update page in the app store, it says I have the latest up date.I also have all the features of recent updates except for airship.

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I didn't knew there was a demo

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Thanks a lot Innersloth for updating your Among Us so I got the CCC and Prisoner skin after The Airship bundle


fnf sus skid and evil pumo



among us is no funny

(2 edits)

What the heck is happening

Why is the start button light and there is chatting notifications and NO PLAYER NUMBERS!?

that’s weird, what system are you on?

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very su

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virus.exe amogus meme not spam btw topic among us topic of among us= meme

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I'm not spaming btw

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eris loris is back meme


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hello innersloth if you are reading this or if anyone is reading this anyway among us was once a fun game i would play it when ever i could but ever since the quick chat update was made among has been harder and ore anoying to play and to go allong with the bugs and glitches and now hackers are back and also people are dating EVEN more so now its really hard to play among us and i even have this glitch on my switch when i type it does not go thru and quick chat itself is hard to use sometimes you cant even find the word your looking for so i hope quick chat is only an used by choice and the names are just dumb but among us is a fun game plz remove quick chat 4 u can use it if u want ONLY if these changes get changed then maybe among us will be popular again.

(sorry if its 2 long lol)


hi guys

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Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
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asbah what hell is that name sounds he was adopted from a idiot parents.

Can this be returned if it doesn't work in your browser or the steam key won't work?

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