I attempted to download this on my iOS device and have tried everything even re downloading it three times but when I try to open it and tap on the app it just goes to black than automatically close
pls help me
EDIT- I found more who have had this problem in App Store reviews who claim it has happened since a recent update for them
There's a lot of issues with playing multiplayer, me and my friends have been trying for the past hour and everyone has been disconnected or keep running into other error messages. After restarting the game a million times it's finally let me host, I really wish this could work faster :(
Voy a explicar algunas cosas que veo que la gente esta perdidisima.
- Podeis jugar en pc con un emulador de Android y gratis.
- Recordar al entrar en modo online elegir vuestra región, yo soy de España y tengo seleccionado Europa y el juego da poquisimos problemas, algunas veces, pero nada de 30 o 50 minutos para entrar.
(Si no haceis esto, estareis molestando a los jugadores de esa región, ya que estos desarrolladores no tenian en cuenta que el juego se hiciera tan famoso 2 años despues, y los servidores estan muy limitados)
- No recomiendo comprar Among us, tiene poco contenido y ya están desarrollando el 2.
How's that racist? I care about the community being civil and that means people understanding each other. Context is important and this is not a Spanish forum. Also, I'm a native Spanish speaker myself.
Just because this isn’t a Spanish Forum doesn’t mean that people can’t speak in other languages. You have to understand that other people cant understand or speak English at all.
I Just downloaded the game on steam yesterday, i already have it on android and it plays fine. But the game just wont start on my laptop, why? Someone please help me!
You can play it on a mac using wine. If you don't want to go through the hassle, you can use playonmac or something similar. I don't know if steam play is on mac.
Oh! Thank you so much, will "Open Any File" work, too? I have had wine before, I would get it again but I just want to see if anything I have already works just as well!
You can play it on a mac using wine. If you don't want to go through the hassle, you can use playonmac or something similar. I don't know if steam play is on mac.
Sometimes players will have this tiny screen. if you wait until you hear sound, then press Alt+Enter, the game will fullscreen and you can fix your settings in-game
A mi este juego me emcanta almenos con la actualizacion de aora me va mucho mejor para entrar en las partidas, antes al principio me costaba micho rato almenos 10 o 20 min para entrar almenos aora va micho mejor
no, its cause they get paid through ads on the android version, but you can pay $5 for a better, ad-less experience on PC, and they get to actually feed themselves. the hats are just a bonus.
you guys should make it so there's a separate version for windows for free but without hats so windows users dont have to pay for a game that would be free for others
they make money off the android version from ads. for $5 you get an ad-less experience on windows, and these people dont have to go hungry. the hats are a just bonus.
I've been getting this problem alot too 😣 I tried playing but it took me an hour to join one single game and then it kicked me out. It's so frustrating when playing with friends :(
Hey, can you guys buy some more servers or something? Or at least allow peer-to-peer hosting? I REALLY want to play but nobody can connect since we're stuck using the ONE North American server!
Try another region. And there is more than *ONE* north American server. Just too many people playing in that region server. Rather than playing on another region.
There is a bug where if you change regions while connecting, the game may overwrite your region data with the wrong region. This makes you connect to the wrong region later. It can easily cause room codes to not be found. You can fix this by deleting the serverInfo2 file found at %appdata%\..\LocalLow\Innersloth\Among Us Then restart Among Us. On mobile, you must find this file in the appdata or clear the game's local data. (Clearing game data is not the same as reinstalling, but that might work as well)
If you need help with this, you can find me on discord [Baron#8083]
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why do you don' make a free version to windows without the "+ All Hats"
Could make compatible among us 1 or 2 with win xp please?
windows xp lol
please update, windows xp has long stopped receiving updates just update to win10 and get it
i’m playing on my chrome book (without touchscreen) and i can’t use wasd plz help
that's very vital
I attempted to download this on my iOS device and have tried everything even re downloading it three times but when I try to open it and tap on the app it just goes to black than automatically close
pls help me
EDIT- I found more who have had this problem in App Store reviews who claim it has happened since a recent update for them
What game engine was this made on
can windows and android play together?
yep. ;)
Do people realize that they can download it for free?
How? When i try it just let me download the android version
Yeah, the only free version is for Android. The PC version is $5.
download the android version then use an emulator and it works on pc but with ad
or... pay money. it's $5 you pleb
Bold of you to assume I have 5 dollars
it literally gives me an apk when i go to the android version i think it's obvious they did it on purpose
edit;; nevermind im stupid phones use apk aswell
you can get bluestacks my friend
whats the font where it shows if you're an imposter or not
There's a lot of issues with playing multiplayer, me and my friends have been trying for the past hour and everyone has been disconnected or keep running into other error messages. After restarting the game a million times it's finally let me host, I really wish this could work faster :(
Why is it paid for windows while it is free on mobile
mobile has ads and pc has all hats in the price
yeah pc was just meant to be "better"
I need help I bought the game among us but I don't know what to do next, nothing comes to me google traductor xd
al descargarlo me sale que me tengo que instalar una aplicacion para abrirlo, alguien sabe q puedo hacer?
Qué descargaste? La apk o el exe?
Necesitas tener blue stacks si quieres jugarlo en la pc sin pagar. O pagar 5 dolares para la version de windows
Voy a explicar algunas cosas que veo que la gente esta perdidisima.
- Podeis jugar en pc con un emulador de Android y gratis.
- Recordar al entrar en modo online elegir vuestra región, yo soy de España y tengo seleccionado Europa y el juego da poquisimos problemas, algunas veces, pero nada de 30 o 50 minutos para entrar.
(Si no haceis esto, estareis molestando a los jugadores de esa región, ya que estos desarrolladores no tenian en cuenta que el juego se hiciera tan famoso 2 años despues, y los servidores estan muy limitados)
- No recomiendo comprar Among us, tiene poco contenido y ya están desarrollando el 2.
no me habre el archivo :v
We speak English here
hablamos lo que nos de la gana carepicha
Bueno pero entonces por lo menos hablen bien
Don’t be so racist Lotelote!
How's that racist? I care about the community being civil and that means people understanding each other. Context is important and this is not a Spanish forum. Also, I'm a native Spanish speaker myself.
Just because this isn’t a Spanish Forum doesn’t mean that people can’t speak in other languages. You have to understand that other people cant understand or speak English at all.
their problem, not mine
I Just downloaded the game on steam yesterday, i already have it on android and it plays fine. But the game just wont start on my laptop, why? Someone please help me!
I don't exactly know, I also can't start it on my laptop as well...
if by the close of the day i dont get any assistance, i will have to request a refund.
Same here :/
could you make a free windows version
How will the developers get money then?
You could make a free version but to unlock everything, you have to pay? 🤷
The players base would hate that
what does that mean, i'm not an expert in game
It doesn't seem like it. For now, steam has steam play, and to play itch.io, you can use something like lutris, that launches your games
I really want to play this game! Could you maybe make a version for Mac? Thanks! <3
You can play it on a mac using wine. If you don't want to go through the hassle, you can use playonmac or something similar. I don't know if steam play is on mac.
Oh! Thank you so much, will "Open Any File" work, too? I have had wine before, I would get it again but I just want to see if anything I have already works just as well!
Anyone know why it won’t let me move with the keyboard? I switch to keyboard and mouse and it won’t let me move with the buttons
are using wasd or the arrow keys?
you have to use wasd if you are using the arrow keys
can you allow on macos
You can play it on a mac using wine. If you don't want to go through the hassle, you can use playonmac or something similar. I don't know if steam play is on mac.
alguien sabe cómo descargarlo? es que no sé mucho sobre qué hacer ni como o cual archivo extraer, soy muy tonta :(
Para jugarlo en la compu hay que pagar, si escribis en el buscador de Google "Among us Steam" te va a aparecer para comprarlo.
Para jugarlo gratis se puede solo desde el celular, escribis en la Play Store "Among us" y te va a salir.
Aun así los servidores andan un poco mal a veces y te saca del juego, a mi me pasa jaja
escribeme por whatsapp y te ayudo, no soy un depr4bado, tengo 15 xd +1 7185686417
Ay gente k me a dicho k entre en esta pagina i siga a 200 personas i te dan una de cuerbo pero no se si es cierto alguien lo sabe
What are you talking about?
Como puedo tener algun skin sin pagar dinero alguien lo sabe?
alguien sabe porque me aparece el juego super pequeño tan pequeño que solo me aparece una linea delgada del juego y no me deja agrandarlo
Sometimes players will have this tiny screen. if you wait until you hear sound, then press Alt+Enter, the game will fullscreen and you can fix your settings in-game
I was so pumped to play the game! However, once I opened it, it really disappointed me:
1. Crashes every time I make a server or join a server.
2. Freeplay is the only thing that wouldn’t crash, but it became boring because I was unable to play with friends.
Is there any way to fix this? I really want to play...
does local work?
A mi este juego me emcanta almenos con la actualizacion de aora me va mucho mejor para entrar en las partidas, antes al principio me costaba micho rato almenos 10 o 20 min para entrar almenos aora va micho mejor
I bought the game in PC but when I open the game, seconds later it closes and nothing happens. Any fix??
i have the same problem, please let me know if you find a fix
i'm trying to install it but it it said cannot "read properly 'build' of undefined" please help me fix this I really want to play the game
same problem. on PC
same problem over here
I have a controller. Anyone know how I can use it for Among us on my PC? Its just a generic controller.
There's no joypad support.
i have that problem aswell but i think its cuz my ipad's old af
it goo
why is there only an android version
it's only free for the android version, you have to pay atleast 5$ for the windows version
yeah, but thats because you get all the hats
There should be a version of among us where you dont have to get all of the hats
Use bluestacks & get on pc for free
i cant use bluestacks cuz i cant log in
I just bought Among Us from itch.io for $5. I can download it but it wont open.
no, its cause they get paid through ads on the android version, but you can pay $5 for a better, ad-less experience on PC, and they get to actually feed themselves. the hats are just a bonus.
Depending on what this was made with, it shouldn't be too hard to export for linux. If so, pleeeeeeaase?
you guys should make it so there's a separate version for windows for free but without hats so windows users dont have to pay for a game that would be free for others
they make money off the android version from ads. for $5 you get an ad-less experience on windows, and these people dont have to go hungry. the hats are a just bonus.
I've been getting this problem alot too 😣 I tried playing but it took me an hour to join one single game and then it kicked me out. It's so frustrating when playing with friends :(
Hey, can you guys buy some more servers or something? Or at least allow peer-to-peer hosting? I REALLY want to play but nobody can connect since we're stuck using the ONE North American server!
Try another region. And there is more than *ONE* north American server. Just too many people playing in that region server. Rather than playing on another region.
I'll give it a shot, thanks!
There is a bug where if you change regions while connecting, the game may overwrite your region data with the wrong region. This makes you connect to the wrong region later. It can easily cause room codes to not be found. You can fix this by deleting the serverInfo2 file found at
%appdata%\..\LocalLow\Innersloth\Among Us
Then restart Among Us.
On mobile, you must find this file in the appdata or clear the game's local data. (Clearing game data is not the same as reinstalling, but that might work as well)
If you need help with this, you can find me on discord [Baron#8083]
I downloaded it, but it didn't give me the newest version. How can I update it?
Android or Windows? If Android just use playstore and opt-in the public beta testing.
Solo soy yo o los servidores se volvieron a caer ...?