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How do I get pets I'm on windows.

LonelyD0ge U need to buy them in the pets section and press the dollar button u can buy them there

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello innersloth, I don't know  if this is the right place to post an issue, but recently I have not been able to connect to my friends games through private codes(among us). however they can all connect to the game. likewise if i host a game they cannot join it. I have tried reinstalling, restarting and switching servers. Is this just a one time thing or a problem i have to fix. 

I seem to have the same problem, I always can't join my friends private game or even host a private game.

Guys, i had the same problem but i told my friends to try and switch servers, we did it, and now it works. I hope it works for you. 


Hi Innersloth! The game is great but I have one big problem! And that is players who always want to be the impostor! They quit immediately after seeing that they're not a impostor. I know you added a check and ban them for 5 mins but I think that is NOT enough.  You should ban them for longer periods so they won't do it again! It's really ruining the experience for everyone! I suggest if they leave 3 times in a row then ban for 5 mins. If they do it again 3 times then make it 15 mins. Then so on and so forth. Include the warning on each ban so they will get scared and avoid doing it!

Dude, same. I don’t get to be an impostor because of them.

I disconnect bc my wifi is low and now i cant join another game for like 175 min just bc i disconnect in 1 game


I get the  "Disconnected from server. Reliable packet 1 (size = 13) was not ack'd after 7511ms (9 resends)" error on the Steam version, every time i try to create a game or join a lobby. Tried every solution i could come up with. 

I see this problem all over the internet with no solution. Its sad, because we paid for the game, and cant play  with our friends :(

For me Its just either A server lag or ur internet When I try to disconnect from my internet it works

i have downloaded it its no longer a zip file its all ready but it wont let me in the game the loading bit shows up but then doesn't let me in the game i will be very disappointed if i paid for this and didnt get to play it. please help my issue


hi there, i purchased the game, im on windows, but how do i open the file? its a zip file and i dont know how to open those, please help me i paid :(

Install winrar or any archiver application. Then right click the file and click extract here, the files will be extracted there in no time.



hi im still confused, i installed winrar, right clicked on the file,  but i dont see "extract here" please explain more abut the extract thing


Okay, so after you have installed winrar, you have to right click on the .zip file you have downloaded, not winrar itself. There will be some options under Open, being "Open with winrar", "Extract files", "Extract here", and "Extract to ****(something)". Click Extract here as shown as picture. It will take some time and extract it. After it is done there will be a exe file somewhere. Open that, and I think you should open your game!

yay thanks

No problem!

Deleted 4 years ago


Deleted 3 years ago

im 12

(1 edit)

Kid, don’t play it then or ask your parents. Don’t always ask a free version for everything that you want. If you have a phone, the game is free. Don’t force anyone to make a paid game for free for YOUR entertainment. Or if you can’t ask you parents, well, you can’t get everything for free. Grow up.

(2 edits)

Just use the Android or iOS version. Its free on those storefronts, but not on PC for some reason.

But hey, $5 is basically nothing.

Hi there Innersloth! I would like to suggest a friends feature for Among Us. This would allow players to see if and when their friends are online, allow them to create custom matches with them, and invite them to voice chats and such. If you could take some time to consider this and maybe add it id be grateful. Hope you guys are having fun making Among Us 2!

playing on mobile, crashes everytime i open the app. mostly it happens as soon as i get into a game.

(1 edit)

What kind if phone do you use? I know it is not recommended to use it in iPhone 5 and below.

no wonder, my whole family has old devices and none of them work for among us. the only new device is a school one and everything is blocked besides browser games. 

Same IDK why but the mobile version has more ping into it I get like 500 to 800 ping from android and I get 90 to 150 ping in PC IDK why


Help! I have this game in my phone ( LG G8S thinq) and i cant seem to be able to type at all, my keyboard never shows up! I've tried uninstalling and installing it again, I checked app settings and phone settings.

Does anyone have any ideas????

(1 edit) (+5)

Would be nice if it was available for mac


ok he joined public so wait a few more minutes


guys everbody join buy tis or download because you can play wiwt a youtuber im shouting out the code for him in a phew mins cause thee game aaready started get ready go get some snacks 

Deleted post

You're only allowed to talk while in the lobby or voting


That's the point. During the game, you just do your mission. During the chat, you discuss with everyone else and vote.

(1 edit)

What would be the purpose if you can chat with others the entire game.


I have a suggestion: I would like three things to happen when a pet owner dies:

1) That the pet looks for the ghost of the owner or that it remains prowling around the place of its owner's death.

2) That the pet looks sad or angry with the crew / impostors when they pass near it.

3) That the pet does not stay still, that it has a sad animation or something like that.


Not really important, but these are pretty touches ngl. 


there should be a option to make it where you cant use emergency meeting until either a body is reported or half the taks have been done


so i think among us 2 should have built in translators, I know that would probably be hard to do but it would be cool if it did because of the spanish people in english lobbies situation


I have Among us PC wersion and private code doesn't work on europe server. I tried on Asia and it worked but after some time it broked again so pls fix that because i can't stand the fact that i paid 5 USD for nothing.


For some reason my Europe server is registered as the Asian server. i have constant 300 ping when im on europe and people can only join my game if they switch their server to Asia. I dont know how this happens, but do you know how i can fix this? :(


If the game would've been free this would've have alot of players. I'm getting jealous of my friends buying this game. I really like the game and I want to try it out it seems fun but the thing is this cost like 5 dollars. Like mate, please make it free I beg you.

If you want, you can download it on your phone if you have one its free and you can play with computer players. However, if you want all the hats and stuff I’m afraid to say you need to buy the pc version or buy it in mobile. I hope this helped you :).

It's free on android 

(1 edit) (+1)

Pls do something about racism and criticism in the game. I encountered many servers where people were swearing and saying that black people need to die. I tried asking what was wrong about black people, but they didn’t answer and just called me an a**hole. There was another server that was swearing a lot and that Asians didn’t deserve to live and that other people’s opinions suck. Luckily, so far there are more servers that I join that are friendly, but I keep encountering bad servers where people abuse other races and different people. I can’t stand to see bad people hurt other people in my servers anymore. I know that there is already a “kick out” button but sometimes when I join another server the host or other people don’t do anything about it.

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

Oh ok... thanks at least they have Henry Stickmen games that I can play in peace.

Deleted 3 years ago

I know this sounds dumb, but what are the controls for sabotaging? i can't seem to find the controls for it and it will really help my game play


There are no controls for sabotaging I’m pretty sure. All you do is press the sabotage button and press a room to sabotage it (rooms with x marks on it cant be sabotaged) if this didn’t help you pls dont mind this comment at all.

thank you very much. this has really upped my game now that i know how to do it


Color blind mode pls :

Deleted 2 years ago

Make sure you both are in same Region. In Menu right bottom corner.


Please do something about the racists on Among Us. I matched with a whole lobby of 5 or more racists and all they said were lots of swearing, use of the N-word. I repeatedly tried to stop them saying how it was wrong, but that never works. They called me different ethnicity, taunting me constantly and talking about Asians getting killed by the millions by the Japanese. They joked about racism and told me repeatedly to "kill myself", and that i should "f**king die in a fire and get lynched". Please, Please do something. Here is an image of just a small fraction of what they said. 


Same here

(1 edit) (+1)

no matter what you do, or anyone for that matter, there will always be people like that. I'd say just block them and leave


i wanted to Give a suggestion

U should enable a Voice chat while discussion like only for discussion.

And when Someone is dead or ejected they cant talk


that would be abused
loud noises, bad language, etc.

yea thats a thing too


just use discord smh

(1 edit) (+1)

Discord left the game

and yeah use discord

i use it always like hell even when i aint gaming XD

great game! but it has no sound effects when playing in local game (android)

I doubt that. 

this is the best game ever :D


We made a great team haha - AuntJemima

We made a great team haha - AuntJemima

Hey Innersloth! ,Can you fix among us mobile ? Please, the problem is when me and my friend try to play together and we already have same server but still cant join in same room even we use the same code and the game when running always disconnected when i test my internet its 7ms but in game it goes to like 300+ and disconnected ,,,,Thank You For you attention ,hope u fix it as soon as possible ,,Sorry For my bad english ,Bye!!

make sure you have a stable internet connection

it doesnt let me run it

I got the game but can't seem to access it, all I got was a file, what do I do?

Abrirlo desde un emulador


open the file and run the exe

I can’t.



Hi there, will there be a macOS version available soon? I've got the game in my wishlist for a while expecting for it and now that everybody is playing it I wanna try it with my friends. It would be great!

get bluestacks

or gameloop

gameloop is made by tencent

I'll consider it for the future. I just got an old PC for 50 bucks and runs the game smoothly for now :-P


I would like to recommend for you next update, There is some players are leaving the game if they know that they are not the impostor it's because being crewmate is booring!  and im bored too, for me the solution for this is hopefully we have percentage for being impostor, how to increase the percentage of being impostor? is to win the game. now among the 10 players, the greatest percentage for being impostor is the impostor of the game, if the impostor lose, the impostor percentage goes down, if the impostor wins it goes up. if the crew mates win, then the percentage of being impostor will goes up. If they have higher percentage of being impostor, let we say 99% then they have a chance for being impostor in the game. If ever they leave the game the chance or the percentage of being impostor will decrease in 2x. Hopefully you understand what I trying to recommend and also helping the game for improvements. I am very bad in english. Thank you! 

Deleted 3 years ago

You are the only one who can saw the chance of being impostor. If the impostor has 90% chance and then win the game, then the chance go back to 0 or 10%.

That's not really a good method for choosing who is the impostor and who isn't. Duhndal is right. I think my method would be if for example the impostor last game was green, they would pick a different color, for example brown, then when the match is done, they pick a different color from brown and green and so on. That would make every match at least more fair. I had times where i was impostor thrice.  So yeah i hope innersloth implements this method.

What if they keep leaving the game? when they know they are not the impostor, joining another room, leaving the game again until they got impostor.

If you're getting bored by playing as a crew then you're missing the point of the game! Why don't you just play it as is and try and solve who the impostor is. IF you want higher chance of being a impostor then join a game where there are 3 impostors! I gave my feedback to innersloth asking them to keep extending the ban time if the player keeps  leaving the game before it even starts. Like ban them for 5 mins, then 10, then 15, so on and so forth. Then give the player a warning each time so they know they will get banned for longer if they keep leaving games. This will force the players to play the game as it was intended to be played! 

It is not my point that being crew is boring, I just want to give some advice on how they will handle the players who quit when they know that they're not the impostor. Here's my problem, "Whenever the game started, 2 or more players quitting the game, if you are the one of the crew it is pretty annoying that 7 players are remaining but still, 3 or 2 impostors left." If those impostors killed 1 or 2 crew/s it's probably an easy win for them.


this would be cool if you would add some sort of story mode between local and online playing

porque me dice eso no me deja entrar ala partida ni crear una sala 

Te desconectaste del servidor.
El paquete confiable 1 (tamaño = 18) no fue reconocido después de 7532ms (9 reenvíos)


You know, for hide and seek mode, you could make the crew mate vision dark and the impostor vision a little dark. The crew mates will have to hide while also simultaneously doing tasks. If the impostor finds a crew mate, the impostor kills the crew mate. There may be a chance that the crew mate will get away. The impostor will also be able to set traps and close doors, but only that. Of course, there should be different maps for this game mode that will benefit the crew mates to make this mode more balanced. I hope you implement this mode in Among Us 2! 

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