Hello guys me again soo can you guys make an update for a new version? Can you guys add another group chat for impostor soo we can our self to what person in 3 imposter mode. Can you guys do that? By the can the ghost can curse the imposter?
Could we use the Astronaut from among us in a game were making? It is a smash bros inspired fan game, and we are currently adding 3rd party characters. Could we use Astronaut and add him into the roster?
When i try to play, i get kicked from the game, talking about packets and stuff, and i cant enter another gamer after because its says that i disconected intentionally
When I try to play it will load for a little bit but then it will say that I have disconnected from the server and that I have bad WiFi...even though I know my WiFi is good...what do I do to fix it?
OMG! I don't wanna spend $5 on the game for pc, but the mobile version is free. and it's super fun!! So if you have a phone DOWNLOAD IT ON THAAAAT! u really don't want to miss out!!
Big problem I loved this game so Much on android I bought no ads and hat's and pets but when I redownloaded the game they were gone! And in google play I still hadthe puchases history how do I get them back. Please help somebody
So I have a problem. First off i love the game and played a couple times a day with gf but one day the game stopped working. When I say that I don't mean it's laggy or buggy but it just won't open. I click on the app to play it but it opens a window for the game and kicks me out, the only thing I can do to interact with this window is close it. I check daily for updates but nothing. I love this game so much and I would very much like to play again. If it helps, the device I'm using is a Samsung Note 9 and I got the app from the Play Store. I would be sooo thankful if you can figure out the issue and fix it. If I have to go to Play Store to request change please inform me.
Switching to resolution 1366x768 failed, trying lower one Switching to resolution 1366x768 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1366x768 fs=1 hz=0)
This is apparently a long-time issue with Unity. One website suggests checking the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations Box"
1. Click the settings cog next to Launch 2. Click Manage Game 3. Click Open folder in Explorer 4. Open the AmongUs folder 5. Right-click Among Us.exe and click Properties 6. In the compatibility tab, check the Disable Fullscreen Optimizations checkbox.
Hi, i want to report a "bug" that happened to me, well, let's start
Today, I started the game, in my cellphone, but, everything was black, I didn't had a Map, in that moment, i was able to cross walls, see everyone, and some entity talked to me, he said "Happy birthday" and some weird words "sccdf ajdgsd fdaG", I'm not lying, I want to know who is this "person" and why this happened to me, I'm really scared about this, thank you for your support, please help me
You've encountered the creepy af bug. I've seen it to. Once it was imposter and everyone that touched it died. Yes, it's super creepy and should be fixed.
I am trying to figure out how to get pets but when I click the money symbol in the pets tab in game when changing my appearance, it says I have launch the game from the itch.io launcher. I AM launching the game from the launcher, and I have tried keeping the launcher open when I play and that still doesn't allow me to load the pets thing.
Edit: the game is fully updated, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play with others.
I was pretty sure the was I was using itch for pets would work, but it seems I was totally wrong.
I'm now engaging the Itch team on how to fix this, but for now, I've taken down the Itch.io pet pages and pets simply won't be available for the Itch version until they enable a couple of features.
I play this game on android. I can tell you, this game is super fun; for being free, it's well done. The game itself is smooth and runs well. (I play on a moto 4 so nothing super fancy) The only thing is that sometimes.. People aren't the best. Like every casual game, there are people who use... to put it bluntly, kkk/nazi names and typically, they're just trolls. There ARE good players, but there's a lot of trolls. People also don't go to the right language tab, so most often spanish speaking people go to the english servers and basically make it hard af to communicate.
Neither of those things are really the creator's faults, it's just an inevitability. Maybe there are ways to prevent it, but their staff shouldn't be blamed for a bad part of the community.
← Return to game
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Hello guys me again soo can you guys make an update for a new version? Can you guys add another group chat for impostor soo we can our self to what person in 3 imposter mode. Can you guys do that? By the can the ghost can curse the imposter?
Could we use the Astronaut from among us in a game were making? It is a smash bros inspired fan game, and we are currently adding 3rd party characters. Could we use Astronaut and add him into the roster?
What's the name of your game?
Its not out yet, but it's called Indie Game Brawl.
Thanks! :D
Im sure they wont mind you need to email them
Sounds fun
I've just released Indie Game Brawl. But it only has two characters at the moment. But in updates, more characters will be available.
When i try to play, i get kicked from the game, talking about packets and stuff, and i cant enter another gamer after because its says that i disconected intentionally
help mee
If your version is 2019.07.16a then try to downgrade the app by downloading 2017.7.4 from this site.
When I try to play it will load for a little bit but then it will say that I have disconnected from the server and that I have bad WiFi...even though I know my WiFi is good...what do I do to fix it?
Detalhes, mano, isso aconteceu comigo, eu desinstalei e instalei dnv e voltou a pegar
hey, how can I play local multiplayer? Me and my friends connected to my wifi hotspot but they cant see my room when i create one??
You need to distribute the code that appears when you are in the room, then go to Private> Enter Code and insert it. I hope this helps
wanted to download the game on the pc but I have no money, I'm having to download pirate from youtube
How do I solve this?
good game
This always happens, I tried to connect and disconnect the internet, but no use, I can not play :
Need pay to gotch on the PC... i'm from brazil and talk... ON STEAM ARE R$10.00 AND IS HERE ARE R$18.69! I dont have money to buy the game T^T
OMG! I don't wanna spend $5 on the game for pc, but the mobile version is free. and it's super fun!! So if you have a phone DOWNLOAD IT ON THAAAAT! u really don't want to miss out!!
I can't install the game for PC, i'm using the itch launcher( i need to pay $5 USD to download for PC??)
why is not free;(
It is on mobile
why not installing
someone can tell me why the heck of the isntall aren't function ?
but guys tell me how to play the game i say good game because i play on phone but now i want play in computer help me pls
Do like any computer game, click every key until you see what does what.
Good game
What are the apps that I need to install this? I installed the archive but it doesn't open.
ye same
me too
Congratulations, you game is AMAZING!!!
Wow! Im soo glad you guys respond our feedbacks! Thanks Innersloth!!!
Big problem I loved this game so Much on android I bought no ads and hat's and pets but when I redownloaded the game they were gone! And in google play I still hadthe puchases history how do I get them back. Please help somebody
So I have a problem. First off i love the game and played a couple times a day with gf but one day the game stopped working. When I say that I don't mean it's laggy or buggy but it just won't open. I click on the app to play it but it opens a window for the game and kicks me out, the only thing I can do to interact with this window is close it. I check daily for updates but nothing. I love this game so much and I would very much like to play again. If it helps, the device I'm using is a Samsung Note 9 and I got the app from the Play Store. I would be sooo thankful if you can figure out the issue and fix it. If I have to go to Play Store to request change please inform me.
como joga
i Cant Enter The Game In Pc This Error pops up:
Switching to resolution 1366x768 failed, trying lower one
Switching to resolution 1366x768 failed, trying lower one
All resolution switches have failed
Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1366x768 fs=1 hz=0)
Can Fix It?
This is apparently a long-time issue with Unity. One website suggests checking the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations Box"
1. Click the settings cog next to Launch
2. Click Manage Game
3. Click Open folder in Explorer
4. Open the AmongUs folder
5. Right-click Among Us.exe and click Properties
6. In the compatibility tab, check the Disable Fullscreen Optimizations checkbox.
Hope that helps!
you can plz remove the "disconect time out" from the game?
Hi, i want to report a "bug" that happened to me, well, let's start
Today, I started the game, in my cellphone, but, everything was black, I didn't had a Map, in that moment, i was able to cross walls, see everyone, and some entity talked to me, he said "Happy birthday" and some weird words "sccdf ajdgsd fdaG", I'm not lying, I want to know who is this "person" and why this happened to me, I'm really scared about this, thank you for your support, please help me
You've encountered the creepy af bug. I've seen it to. Once it was imposter and everyone that touched it died. Yes, it's super creepy and should be fixed.
I Found This Is Not A "Bug" And Yes A Hack Searching On YouTube I Found That A Hack Is Called "WallHack" And "TP"
WallHack Lets you go through walls. the TP Its make everything is black
omg isso tambem aconteceu cmg
Itch won't let me download the game. ???
o jg e lg mais n consigo instalar aparece q n e compativeu
I am trying to figure out how to get pets but when I click the money symbol in the pets tab in game when changing my appearance, it says I have launch the game from the itch.io launcher. I AM launching the game from the launcher, and I have tried keeping the launcher open when I play and that still doesn't allow me to load the pets thing.
Edit: the game is fully updated, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play with others.
I was pretty sure the was I was using itch for pets would work, but it seems I was totally wrong.
I'm now engaging the Itch team on how to fix this, but for now, I've taken down the Itch.io pet pages and pets simply won't be available for the Itch version until they enable a couple of features.
Oh, thank you for the reply! :D
This Is Not A Bug. Its a Hack One Is Called "WallHack (No-Clip)" Another One Is Called "TP" Makes Everything Go Black
Hello I have a suggestion. Could you please make a bot mode thx.
The Damn games amazing man, the game always brings in intensity but sometimes i can't vote on some people Fr Fr
vi no youtube e e um bom jogo mas nao consigo baixar pelo pc corrijam
he meant:I saw on youtube and it's a good game but I can not download it on the pc.
Olá! Não consigo instalar! Não aparece opção para download! Por favor, corrijam para que eu possa instalar... obrigado! Miguel.
make work on linux pz
Nao consigo baixar pelo meu pc/I can not download to my pc
I play this game on android. I can tell you, this game is super fun; for being free, it's well done. The game itself is smooth and runs well. (I play on a moto 4 so nothing super fancy) The only thing is that sometimes.. People aren't the best. Like every casual game, there are people who use... to put it bluntly, kkk/nazi names and typically, they're just trolls. There ARE good players, but there's a lot of trolls. People also don't go to the right language tab, so most often spanish speaking people go to the english servers and basically make it hard af to communicate.
Neither of those things are really the creator's faults, it's just an inevitability. Maybe there are ways to prevent it, but their staff shouldn't be blamed for a bad part of the community.