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please develop an update on iOS all my friends playing on pc but I can’t afford one so could you please develop an update so I’m not on the older version


probably one of the worst servers on any game, always kicks me saying the remote requested it or something and always that the matchmaking is full. Pls make better servers 

Will there be dedicated servers that the community can host?


I cant download the game on my computer someone please help i really want to play this game

is it working?]

I bought a skin from another device, is there any way to bring it to the main device?

i just wanna ask the developer to update in ios because i can't play with my friends. they are using android and they are updated but i am using ios and still i am using the older version. i can't play with them :(


I've played the game and WOW. It's amazing. 


I will consider buy the Steam version just to support the devs. In the meantime, I have some suggestions:

- Is there only one server handling this game? There are almost 50k players (cmiiw), make at least two other additional servers. Let say that your current server is at EU, I think you can make one in Asia (probably HK/SG/IN) , one for the whole America. Since this is not FPS or some multiplayer battle games, 100-150 ping is totally acceptable, but 300? The delay will skew our judgement, thinking that we saw someone murdered by X even though Y is the real killer. I am not a game dev, but I think you guys should get those cloud (aws, google, azure) to help you handle these high load

- people wont stay in this game. It's pretty generic after 3-5 games. I really think that you should add more content to the game asap (without risking the quality). I will be honest, realistically people will not wait a year for your Among Us 2. Constantly release more new content.

- there will be times when there are little to no one play this game in the future. By the time that happen, make sure that your game is 100% ready and as bug free as possible. People like UNO because it's reliable. They don't play it everyday, but when they do, they knew that the card won't break down on its own. If you failed, they will simply said "oh the dev no longer cares about this game. Let's uninstall it".

Finally, good luck indie devs. You all will have bright future up ahead. 



If it’s free on ios then shouldn’t it be free on other platforms?


They are young indie devs, it does not mean they only need portfolio. They need money to maintain the server and also motivate them to do better. Plus... You know that humans need to eat once in a while


Are the servers down or what?


Greeting Game designers. I request that you make the game playable on mac. More platforms, more players simple as that.



Porque está dando problemas para entrar?

when are the windows files getting updated

Get steam key and use steam.


Are the game files on the website for Windows getting updated?


Get steam key and use steam.


Hi!, Please Exile filipino servers on among us toxic filipinos are getting out of hand or atleast ban toxic Filipinos trash words not just censor them this would really help to keep the game more enjoyable.. thank you


Among Us for iOS needs upgrade! I can’t play with pc players like I’ve always have... 


Yeah we just wanna know when the update are coming for IOS


YES we need Among Us on MacOs

I got similar game idea when I watched "die now" drama...

and thought of doing it after getting some knowledge.


se puede unir personas de pc con los de dispositovos moviles en una partida?

si, pero en iOS No salió actualización hoy y no se puede jugar

si eres android si

When I try to play on iOs the screen says "You disconnected from the server. Reliable packet 1 (size=15)"

Also, can you make it available for Mac? It would be great! 

I really hope they do

Cada vez que intento ser Host o entrar a una partida aparece el mensaje "You disconnected from the server. Reliable packet 1(size=15)" 

He probado con datos, con wifi y nada.


Saldra el juego en consola? Mis amigos y yo lo estamos esperando!! Y por favor que sea gratis :)

Hi, I just downloaded Among Us on my iP5 (Ios 10.3.4) 

When I try to play the game, it's just a blank screen and the game crashes, I already reinstalled and  rebooted the phone. My phone is Jailbroken which could also be a part of the problem.

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Hello! This is my first time buying a game and when I try to claim my steam key it says "There are no keys available at this time, try again later." Is there something I'm missing?? I'm a newbie plz be nice with me haha ;;v;;

EDIT: Nvm! It's been fixed now, just had to wait a little;;

how to fix it when i open the app it's only showing innersloth then black screen for a while then go back to the home screen.

Please add AndroidTV support to the Google Play Store Version, along with controller support. Please!!!

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It's Pretty Good Game! 100% recommend , if you like murder mystery kind of stuff

i'm not sure if there was a save progression so hit me up if there is

No there isnt

Afaik, if you clear you app cache/data you lose all your statistics. not 100% on Steam though.

Deleted post

Im having a problem when entering a local game it says  you have disconnected from server 

reliable packet 1(size 17) was not ack'd after 9 resends

It should happen only in online game, I guess. All you need to do is try still until you join. Or check your internet connection


How to get pets? inner crisis! help?!



DLC's are only available on steam and Mobile.

Can you add "add friend"?

Hopefully we'll have this in Among Us 2. Sadly do not think it will be added in the current among us.

Alguien sabe si se puede jugar de pc con los de celular?

Si puedes

si pero tienes que buscar en la internet algo que se llama "Bluestacks" is no es lo mismo.

Hello, I'm wondering what is the difference between the Steam and release?


Steam has the DLCs i.e pets and map exclusive skins. You have access to public betas.
There are no DLCs for cannot get the above mentioned). Apparently there does not seem to be a way to get access to the beta version of the game.

Other than that there really isn't any difference.
The public betas are release before they become official versions. The developers gathers info from people playing on the beta version to help him fix any issues found in that version.

Deleted 1 year ago

Not possible because, mobile has that setup mainly because of the ad's that help pay for the servers. You can't get ad's on steam games nor afaik. That's why Windows version won't be made free. With or without cosmetics.


Just download it from mediafire, xd


that's called piracy


Yes and its freaking epic,


Pirating indie games is cringe bro


Deleted 1 year ago

Hello! I love this game a lot, but there is a bit of a problem. It does not run on iOS 10, and I can't really update my device anymore so I have to use a different device to play it. Unfortunately, I don't have another device that could run it, so if you could please fix this issue, that would mean  a lot. Thank you!

For more info, it usually opens the game but it is only black, but recently it shows the enlarged "ONG U" part of the game name :)

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Same i can't play among us on my device which is IOS 10 and i can't really update the device as well.

it's only shows ONG U (PART OF THE GAME NAME) when opening the game

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Free pc version needed plz


Play on mobile. Otherwise use Bluestacks or MEmu emulators.

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I will use bluestacks.

I also play with emulator,  I get a smooth game experience on NoxPlayer emulator


PLEASE I BEG YOU GUYS!. Any news on the game coming to console please 🙏


Afaik, might not happen. Mainly due to the complexity of performing tasks and using ingame chat for communicating. Not everyone uses discord (or other means of voice communication) when playing among us.

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can you make a free pc version without the hats??

edit: i understand that they can't put ads on the pc version but im sure they could open up a patreon, im sure there would be lots of people willing to support the game


Will you bring it out on Ps4 and Xbox?

Afaik, might not happen. Mainly due to the complexity of performing tasks and using ingame chat for communicating. Not everyone uses discord (or other means of voice communication) when playing among us.

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