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So when i buy pets in mobile among us, does the pet saves when i delete and reinstall among us?

I'm going to test that out (I have Android)

Results is in, You keep what you brought


I am also on android so, thankyou for testing it


Hey would you want to add Mumble Link functionality ? It's entierly optional to use but when configured properly it could be really fun !


how i can buy bundles like pets on pc?

Deleted 3 years ago

Not everything has to be free— dude, this game is popular they need to earn money for that! Don’t expect everything to be free for you. (Okay, sorry if I was a bit rude or something but I’m just really tired of these kind of comments)


It’s 5 dollars.

Then how u connect to the internet?


I need to get into contact with a business associate, anyone can help me out ? For Instagram app collaboration.



(1 edit) (+1)

Did anyone else's computer say that this game was a trojan? Is this just a case of false flagging or should I actually be worried? I use windows defender btw if that makes any difference

(1 edit) (+2)

You shouldn't be worried, among us isn't a virus. only where you get it matters and steam are the only legit ways to get the game on pc.

Ah, okay. Thanks


my game isnt working, wont even open, its stuck as a not responding task bar



I paid for the game and I can't download because I have a Apple computer not a windows. Can I get a refund?


Same let me know if you get one


I dont think you can get a refund, seeing as this is human error and it clearly said windows

(1 edit) (+1)

you can run Windows software on macOS with Crossover Mac which has a free trial and costs between 38-60€.

If that's too expensive for you, you can try running WINE on macOS with the Homebrew package manager.

You can also install Linux on most Macs for free, where you can use Lutris to play nearly all Windows games with no additional cost apart from the game.

If that all doesn't work out for you, you can usually also buy Windows and install it on most Macs. And if even that is not possible, just sell your Mac and get a proper PC ;)


Is anyone else who bought Among Us on missing the section for buying pets?


yes!! it fucking sucks

I want a mini crewmate so bad :(

When You Buy it on It comes with a Steam Key You have to use steam to buy pets.

Thank you!!!

innersloth i love you fr for this game


To Devs: Many people have been playing two accounts at the same time (possibly tablet and phone, or computer and phone, idk) and when one of the accounts get killed, the other calls out the imposter with no other reasoning besides "trust me".  It is getting worse and worse, and it seems like a lot of private chat teaming is being used too.  The game is very fun without the cheaters and it seems too easy to cheat.  Please work on a solution to this, there might even need to be a mode that doesn't allow join by code and is just random lobbying.  I think this issue might ruin the game if continued.


Unfortunately this game genre is always suffered from these cheaters on random online games. Just find a random Discord server and gather a bunch of trusted people. The game would be much more enjoyable.


Are the servers down rn


i have to keep redownloading, and i haven't been able to play. does anyone know how to help?

What kind of device do you use?


the game is showing a lot of problem connecting to the server, many times it can't even find game rooms already created, please fix this server problem

O povo America do Sul que lute né? Esses Servers de vcs não tão dando conta não.  Arruma isso se n vou ter que ser obrigado a parar de jogar, eu e as pessoas do meu grupo de among. Por favor Among Us melhore isso!!!


I just purchased and downloaded Among Us but when ever I try to go into the game I get a system error saying "The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found." I reinstalled and it didn't work. What do I do?

You are missing the UnityPlayer.dll file. Try verifying the files, I'm guessing you are playing off of steam.


Does anyone know why my game doesn't want to work? Whenever I try to click "join a game" it stops for a few seconds and then says something about "didn't receive a packet". If anyone knows, please tell me, I want to play. 

(1 edit) (+3)

I do think that now is the time to focus on improving this version while it's experiencing a boost in popularity (and funding). A new map, etc. are nice. However, if the underlying code is indeed old, inefficient, and/or hard to scale then I think you should at some point shift focus to AU2. Better code, and all the improvements you've learned from AU1. If you want to extend the shelf life of AU2 to basically forever, letting people make/play custom maps would be the best way I think (heavily curated if you add them to the game).

If you do make AU2 or whatever, just don't be tempted to listen to the really bad players who want the game to be easier, etc. Some people just need to git gud. Thanks for the great game.

Oh, also, while this will probably affect cross-play, Steam has their own stable multiplayer API. Maybe use that as a backup?

Deleted 2 years ago

Semi-random question/suggestion about AU2, can the AU1 players get it for free maybe?

Among Us 2 Is Cancelled But Innersloth are adding new stuff to Among Us 1! So you don't have to buy anything again!



how come I can’t join anything or create a game? My service and WiFi is good.


servers crashed again


it doesnt show the full screen properly

Deleted 4 years ago

it does? theres only 3 maps


how to download i hope i didn't waste 5 dollars for nothin


press the download button


Go to the app store


Are therw any plans to add voice chat to Among Us or at least a mode with Voice chat? 

That'd be nice, I think it'd make some stuff easier.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the creators will ever implement that. It will be easy to just have a voice chat, but remember: THERE ARE Obnoxious and bad people on the game. Implementing this rule will not just distract the crewmates, but lower youe slef-eestem. Why? Well, lets say a kid is playing the game and he talks to a bunch of bully adults. They tease him, and well, the results weren’t nice. I hope you understand this comment.


Everything is down everywhere apparently

join the discord server. theres server stats there

What's the discord server


Are the servers down in North America?

join the discord server. theres server stats there


hello innersloth . your game have many fans and players in Iran

of course we must use vpn to play it. i dont know why

anyway, i can help you for translate it to persian


it wont download...?

try again


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this is the only one i could find



hi i want to send a message to the developers i person to you to take the hackers out of the game i can't stand more than so much hacker in the game please

Go to the App Store or Google Play. Find the 5-star thingy and rate it, then type your complaint. If you cannot do that...what is the use of this website then?


I would really enjoy if the pets in among us could do something like lead the players to the body.


would be incredibly op tbh


fair point, but maybe the pets can do something else besides follow the player.

Ya but I I feel sad when I see the pets just standing there at the players body XD


how do I buy pets? it wont let me do it in game?

how do you update the game?? I cant figure it out...

Delete and install again. If that can’t work, I’m sorry cause’ that’s the only method I know.


is there a place for technical support? my game is bugged out and wont play anymore. any time i open the game it becomes just a white bar that says not responding. if anyone could help me out with this that would be really appreciated. the game was playing fine a few days ago and now it wont play.


the among us creator should put it for mac and make it free instead of wasting money just to play a game


servers cost money and the developers deserve a reward for what they’ve made. bit insensitive saying that.

regarding mac, 100 percent agree

Exactly agree with you, I want it on MacOS but obviously I want to pay for it, it's normal they deserve money for their work
I can play on phone but I would enjoy it so more to play on OS with keyboard+mouse

Not only is this post incredibly ridiculous as well as insensitive as HexDe v pointed out.

Why in the world should this game be free?

It is ridiculously fun and addictive, a game which IMO breaks many of the current game moulds. This is a fresh breath of air into gaming. 

The developers do not work for free, they are spending their time to make something to entertain. 

Go volunteer hours out of hours each week and then come back and tell them to distribute this game for free.

Hell If this group had stocks I would invest money right now into them. 

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